Operation Seven-Day Shed (Day One - Sunday)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I've decided to build a simple shed in my backyard in which to store grounds-related paraphernalia (lawn mower, rakes, shovels, wheelbarrow, &c.). I decided this earlier in the summer; then I decided not to. Now I've decided it again. Except this time it's going to be smaller (4' x 8' footprint), in a different location (between the porch and the south fence, next to the house) and temporary (in the sense that everything is temporary).

This may be the last week of summertime weather before the next season hits (whatever that ends up being). So I should have seven nice-weather days available to me for shed building.

Design the shed and then clean out the site where I want it built. Easy!

The area for the shed isn't very large, so the entire footprint will be 4' x 8'. Which just happens to be the standard size of all sheet goods! To make the roof easy one wall will be ~6' high while the opposite one will be ~8' high. A simple, single-slanted roof should be perfectly sufficient to keep the rain out.

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