Mini Golf Review: The Skate Station Funworks

Saturday, March 5, 2011

On a recent trip to Southern South Georgia northern Florida I had a chance to take in some local mini golf (one of my favorite past times). This time we went to the Skate Station Funworks in Gainesville, FL. Here, then, is my review thereof.

The Skate Station Funworks is a family-friendly all-round activity center offering the likes of a big roller rink, go-carts, a climbing wall, and, of course, mini golf. Since I didn't participate in any of the other activities I will restrict my comments to the eighteen-hole mini golf. The first thing we did right was to go on "Wacky Wednesday" where admission is only $2 per person and mini golf is a further $2 per person. I brought little Andy with me so our total cash outlay was a mere $8. For this price, it's well worth it. Had we gone any other day it would have been twice that.


Okay, that's it for points-in-favor. Now for points-against:

Doing a bit of arithmetic yields a total course score of: -20.

A bit of maintenance (sweeping the greens, fixing the water, and so forth) could easily bring their score up into the positives. Removing the misleading Legend of Swamp Golf would help a little - but not as much as actualizing the legend (which is the primary reason Pirate's Cove Mini Golf appeals to me). In summary, if you're in Gainesville, Florida, and it happens to be [Wacky] Wednesday, you could happily kill an hour at Skate Station Funworks. Otherwise, drive a bit further and get some ice cream at Karma Cream, instead.

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